Page 67 - Ranger Demo
P. 67
In Memoriam
All losses from the H.M.S. Grafton
Gnr Joseph Barker Captain Spence Browning Gnr John Dobbie
Gnr Andrew Emmerson Gnr William Kyle
Gnr Percy Mabbutt
Gnr Charles McLaughlan Lieut Robert Rochester Major Norman Streatfield
2nd Survey Regt, R.A. – Dunkirk Memorial Nord
1 Interview (Imperial War Museum) 6142/1-5
2 1st Survey Regt, R.A. War Diary BEF 1939-40 WO 167/571
3 More Notice The 1st Survey Regiment, RA 1939-40 Journal of the Royal Artillery 1953 vol.80 p. 34
4 3rd Survey, Regt, R.A. War Diary BEF 1940 WO 167/573
John Jenner's History of 3rd & 5th Survey Regiment, R.A., T.A. Bristol, 1968 worked out the numbers in Scotcher's detachment as amounting to 64, but as at the time he was unable to consult the War Diary, and so his approximation is still acceptable as long as it is understood it is only an approximation.
5 Skuse, Frank private correspondence 12. 6.99
6 Interview - 12.7.99
7 Private correspondence 10.5. 99
8 Nunn Interview op. cit
9 Correspondence Newsletter 3rd / 5th Survey Assoc 1999 Aug p. 2
10Blaxland, Gregory Destination Dunkirk: The Story of Gort's Army, London, Kimber 1973 p. 112
11 Beard, C.L. We Remember Dunkirk ed. F. & J Shaw Hinckley, 1990 pp.39-40 & private correspondence 16.12. 99
12 Culpin, George - personal correspondence 13. 9. 99
13 Taylor, P.W.E. Interview 18.02 2000
14 Collier, Richard The Sands of Dunkirk London, 1962 pp. 105-11; Divine, A.D. Dunkirk London, 1950 pp. 105-06; Report Sound Ranging Battery May 1940
15 Barratt, Allan My Diary of Events & Thoughts 1939-43 (National Army Museum) 8908-5-1 p. 31
16 Russell, Cliff The Nomadic Soldier Lewes, 1991 p.34
17 WO 167/571
18 Several of 51st Medium Regt were taken to Scotland in error mistaking 51st Medium for 51st Div.
51st Medium Regt, R.A. War Diary BEF – WO 167/539
19 Private correspondence 10.2.00
20Whetton, J.T. & R.H. Ogden Z Location or Survey in War: The Story of the 4th (Durham) Survey Regiment, R.A., T.A. Bolton, 1982 p. 24-5
21 Private correspondence 19.5.99
22 Taylor, Interview - 18.2.00
Cyril Beard 1st Survey (1940), 2nd Survey (1940), & 7th Survey (1941-45). George Culpin 2nd Survey (1939-46).
Leslie Foundling 5th Survey (1941-46).
James Greenwood 6th Survey (1940) & 2nd Survey (1940-46).
John Leopard 5th Survey (1939-40) & 3rd Survey (1940-41).
Graham Nunn 3rd Survey (1938-42), 11th Survey (1943-44), & 2nd Survey (1944-46).
Frank Skuse 3rd Survey (1937-41) - who was better known at the time as "Ernie".
Larry Stradling 3rd Survey (1938-40).
William Taylor 2nd Survey (1939-41), 1st Independent S.R. bty (1940-41), 5th Survey (1942-43), School of Survey, Larkhill (1943), HQRA (S.R.) and 11th Survey (1943-45), and the Observation Wing of the School of Artillery, Larkhill (1945-46)