Page 74 - SARB Strategic Plan 2020-2025
P. 74
How we deliver on our strategy (5/8) (continued) The executive portfolio of strategic initiatives: core business (continued) We are here
Prior period
April 2022 Strategy Horizon
April 2020 – March 2021
April 2021
– March 2022 Objective
Strategic initiative Project
Improve the monitoring of existing and emerging vulnerabilities
Enhance the functioning of South Africa’s financial system
Data and information management
Design a a a near-real-time monitoring tool for for spot FX and swap markets for for South Africa Concept paper completed Acquire or develop Feasibility of the triparty collateral system
Position paper published
Business case for approval by GEC
Implementation multi-year year in SFA
Innovation in fin the financial system
Embed the Innovation Hub (cuts across all the SFAs)
Deliver PK2
Modernisation of the NPS
• Partner selection and and delivery of the TOM and and architecture
• Replace storage and servers
Enhance the macroeconomic and macroprudential toolkit to to support appropriate action
Enhance the policy toolkit initiative Develop the optimal FX reserves strategy (completed)
Review the capital flow management
policy Draft manuals to OECD and IMF
Optimal level of reserves approved Implementation Comments from Authorised Dealers