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      Box 2: Notable related wCBDC projects Digital Exchange and the Swiss National Bank (SNB) completed Phase 1 of Project
Some of the notable explorations from other central banks in the areas of wCBDC include the release of the ‘Cross-border interbank payments and settlement’
report by the Bank of Canada (BoC), Bank of England and Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) during November 2018 (KPMG, 2018), which examined existing challenges in cross-border payments within the context of existing initiatives
at the time. This was followed by the BoC and MAS connecting the prototypes from Projects Jasper and Ubin – their respective wCBDC initiatives – to test atomic settlement of transactions utilising hashed time-locked contracts (BoC and MAS, 2019). The Bank of Thailand (BoT) and Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) also explored real-time payment-versus- payment (PvP) on DLT in Project Inthanon- Lionrock by considering how DLT could increase efficiency and address challenges through collapsing settlement layers
by bundling together elements such as foreign exchange transactions using smart contracts (BoT and HKMA, 2020).
The MAS closed its Project Ubin initiative with the release of the fifth project report along with Temasek, which documents MAS’s development of a DLT-based multi- currency payments network to conduct such payments on a single network (MAS and Temasek, 2020). This formed the basis for further work in Project Dunbar, launched by the BIS Innovation Hub’s Singapore Centre to explore international settlement using multi-CBDC arrangements, initially on a single multi-currency DLT network (BISIH- SC, 2021).
From a securities settlement perspective, the BIS Innovation Hub (BISIH), SIX
Helvetia in 2020, to issue, clear and settle
a security issued on the SDX DLT-based platform in two PoCs – one integrating with the SNB national payment system and the second with a SNB wCBDC. The project highlighted novel policy and governance questions in conducting the PoC (BISIH
et al, 2020). SDX has since received approval from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority to operate a stock exchange and central securities depository issuing DLT-based tokens (FINMA, 2021). The Banque de France (BdF) has also launched an ambitious wCBDC programme, including an initiative where the BdF worked with the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Société Générale – FORGE to settle an EIB-issued digital bond with wCBDC (BdF, 2021a; 2021b). The list of experimental wCBDC projects is ever expanding, with Australia’s Project Atom exploring the issuance of a Tokenised Syndicated Loan (TSL) on a DLT enabling payment with wCBDC through a CBDC utility created on the same DLT as the TSL Platform (RBA, 2021). One other BdF series of wCBDC initiatives was a collaborative project with the BIS’ Innovation Hub and SNB called Project Jura, which explored DLT-based infrastructures which may support a tokenised financial system
(BdF et al, 2021). The project efficiently
and safely settled foreign exchange and tokenised asset trades using PvP and delivery-versus-payment (DvP). Phase 2
of Project Helvetia also explored settling tokenised assets with wCBDC on DLT- based infrastructures through integrating wCBDC into core banking systems and running transactions end-to-end (BISIH et al, 2022).

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