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Possible way forward
The PK2 PoC was completed successfully and it led to some valuable insights on the technological capability – interoperability challenges and the initial legal and policy areas for further exploration.
PK2 also allowed for deeper collaboration between regulatory agencies and the industry, which led to further technical collaboration with industry on decentralised TTPs, pointing to four broad possible directions for further exploration, namely:
The creation of a DLT-innovation acceleration platform with industry for an extended period – which would allow the industry to explore DLT application with participation and oversight of regulators.
Collaboration with other jurisdictions – for instance, building on the SARB’s participation in Project Dunbar, multi-wCBDC may be explored with the Southern African Development Community.
A new phase of Project Khokha may be initiated to build on the work done in PK2 – for instance, to perform live transactions in a sandbox environment in a different use case.
Desktop research exploring the implications of DLT-driven innovation on financial markets in more detail, considering possible policy and regulatory responses.
PK2 has continued to provide
a collaborative space for experimentation with DLT within the industry, contributing to the continually growing body of knowledge in this area.