Page 54 - Project Khoka 2
P. 54
HKMA Hong Kong Monetary Authority
IFWG Intergovernmental Fintech Working Group
IOSCO International Organization of Securities Commissions
ISIN International Securities Identification Number
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
JSE JSE Limited
MaFISI Maturity Financial Instrument Instruction
MAS Monetary Authority of Singapore
NNA National Numbering Agency
NPS National Payment System
NFT Non-Fungible Token
NT National Treasury
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OTC Over the Counter
P2P Peer-to-Peer
PFMI Principles for Financial Market Infrastructure
PK1 Project Khokha phase 1
PK2 Project Khokha phase 2
PoC Proof-of-Concept
PS Payment System
PvP Payment-versus-Payment
rCBDC Retail Central Bank Digital Currency
RTGS Real-Time Gross Settlement
RTL Real-Time-Line
SAMOS South African Multiple Option Settlement (system) SARB South African Reserve Bank
SDX Six Digital Exchange
SNB Swiss National Bank
SSS Securities Settlement System
TR Trade Repository
TTP Token Trading Platform
wCBDC Wholesale Central Bank issued Digital Currency wToken Wholesale Digital Settlement Token