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Quelle est Belle These beautiful, and among the most accurate bird-calls, were developed, de- signed, and made by François Morel, in France, from such materials as beech, maple, leather brass, rubber, and tin, since he was a child in the mountains of southern France. Each piece is a statement on craft with integrity! Not intended for children, hunters, or those that disturb nesting birds. As the company responsible for the calls, Quelle est Belle, clearly states: “We retain the right to refuse to sup- ply people who cannot fully guarantee their respect for nature.” (See video of these calls on our website.)
 American Bird Selection
In a nicely made wooden box, come six bird-calls for birds: Nightingale, Mallard Duck, Skylark, Owl, Mourning Dove, and American Robin. Each exquisitely made and tuned. Have some good conversa- tions with these feathered friends, and then move onto the groups below. Be sure to visit our website to see video of these bird-calls in use. You’ll be delighted by the quality. Have fun and be safe!
QBA6 $199.
 Western American Birds
Beautifully crafted wooden box containing six hand-made bird- calls, for birds of the American West: Yellow/Myrtle Warbler, Mallard Duck, Moorhen, Owl, American Robin and Mourning Dove. Each exquisitely hand- made and tuned. Have fun talking with our feathered friends, and please take care! Visit us online to watch videos of each bird-call in use. Have fun and be safe!
QBA8 $199.
North American Bird
Selection In a nicely made
wooden box, come six bird-calls for
birds found in this country: Black
Capped Chickadee, American Robin,
Golden Plover, Long Billed Curlew,
Mourning Dove, and Black Billed
Cuckoo. Each are exquisitely made
and tuned. Be sure to visit our
website to see video of these bird-
calls in use. You will be delighted
by how accurate these calls sound.
Then go have some good conversa-
tions with these feathered friends.
QBA2 $199.
 To Order Call: 1-888-463-9177 45

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