Page 73 - TBB27
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Paya Jumping Rabbit w. Young 1923
Known in the original Spanish as “Conejo Salta- dor,” the original toy dates back to 1923. When you move the lever, the rabbit with two young leaps in a long arch, forwards and back. 4” long
Paya Dog Pushing Ball 1936 Known in the original Spanish as “Perro con Pelota”, the origi-
nal dates back to 1936. Wind this little guy up, and he dutifully pushes the ball along. Comes
Hippies on Tour w. V W Bus This VW Bus makes it around the whole world! Paris, London, Arizona, Pisa, Washington DC, and Sydney landscape... Comes in a colorful box. Track measures 10” x 6”, Bus 1 3⁄4”
Paya Drunk in Cart 1934
Known in the original Span- ish as “Carrito Romper,” the original toy dates back to 1934. Great wind-up toy! Wind this guy up and his cart goes crazily rolling off. (The wheels are off-
center on the axles, making for funny, drunken motion). 5 1⁄2” tall
BF3600 $69.
with wind-up key. 4 3⁄4” tall BF6780 $99.
DBS2900 $39.
No Fall Ladybug
This is a great wind-up toy. Wind
UFO Flying Saucer
Fabulous all colorfully lithographed tinplate
flying saucer launcher with
flying saucers. Nothing plas-
tic here! These are wonderful,
just like when I was a kid back in the
1950’s. We all love this unit. Comes with flying saucer spares, ‘cuz you know they’re gonna get lost. So, you get a launcher with two saucers and an additional box with three more. Go out and
go crazy! These are fun. Saucers measure 4” Ø
DBS130131 $23.
him up and no matter what he won’t fall off the table. 3 1⁄2” long KZ0550
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