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 Client: Coulter Homes
For over 40 years COULTER HOMES have been among Northern Ireland’s most respected property developers.
We were invited to re-design their brand. They wanted an established style of brand which gave a sense of heritage, trust and respect. The homes they build tend to be in spacious, leafy suburbs. Their homes are hand-crafted to a high standard. So, we created a roundel badge style graphic which captures the above values. At the top we used a little acorn graphic representing COULTER HOMES as the mighty oak tree who plants the acorns. The oak tree itself has deep roots and grows tall and strong as it becomes established. The keys to your new home are pictured at the bottom. The C & H itself are pictured intertwined in a rod iron gate style of graphic.
The company is a several generation family business, passionate about building homes. We developed the strap line: A HEART FOR HOMES FOR OVER 40 YEARS.

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