Page 5 - TOH_Making a difference 2023-2024
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The Te Omanga Hospice Foundation was
established in 2005 to provide financial support to
the Te Omanga Hospice Trust for its work providing palliative care to people, living in the Hutt Valley, with a terminal or life-limiting illness.
Funds invested by the Foundation help the Hospice to meet the deficit from Government funding, and funds raised, and
the actual cost to run our service. The Foundation helps to ensure the Hospice’s sustainability, supporting it with funding its operating deficit. The Hospice's deficit for the year ending
30 June 2024 was $288,049.
The value of the investment fund was up 7.17% before fees (benchmark 5.26%) during the year, which is in line with our longer-term expectations. The key driver of this return was strong performance from global share markets, particularly the US. We must remain focussed on growing the balance of the fund with a strong and robust investment strategy supported by fundraising and new bequests.
The Foundation continued to support professional development through the Jean Murray Nicholson Scholarship and research projects through the Murray Bond Research Fellowship.
It was heartening to see how well the Hospice team continued to navigate its way through the challenges that get thrown their way each and every day, to ensure patients and whānau received the very best of care.
Keith Quinn MNZM, Patron,
Te Omanga Hospice Foundation
The Trustees thank the Chief Executive, Biddy Harford, the Executive Leadership team and staff for the excellent care and support they continue to give to our patients and their whānau.
I wish to record my personal thanks to my fellow trustees, Sam Knowles, Gerard Dewar, and Judy Bain for their ongoing support and expertise throughout the year.
On behalf of the Trustees, I thank our community for their continuing support for Te Omanga Hospice, and in particular,
I would like to acknowledge those supporters who make an annual financial pledge, donation or bequest to the Foundation.
Gavin J Murphy JP DipFS
Te Omanga Hospice Foundation

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