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         Hospice Music Therapist Keryn Squires.
We are incredibly thankful to Pelorus Trust & NZCT for funding the purchase of new Smart TVs for our patient rooms through their grant scheme.
Although each of our beautiful modern rooms cater to a patients’ needs, they were missing a Smart TV that enables patients to access a wide variety of streaming services like Netflix, apps like YouTube, and the ability for patients and whānau to share photos and connect with distant loved ones via video streaming.
Not only that, but the TVs are also designed to look like a picture frame, providing beautiful artwork for the rooms.
“This purchase has been a long-term goal of our clinical team, to improve the quality of our patients’ stay in our Inpatient Unit (IPU). They will bring much joy and comfort and we are truly grateful,” says Te Omanga Hospice Grants Manager, Rachel Nankivell.
Recently, the whānau of a patient staying in our IPU used this new technology to connect with another family member through the TVs video streaming capabilities. A staff member mentioned how beautiful it was to witness them connecting in this way, with both those in the room and on the TV screen singing, playing music and surrounding the patient with song.
Another incredible benefit of these TVs is the ability to access apps like YouTube for our music therapy sessions. Te Omanga Hospice Music Therapist, Keryn Squires (pictured) says, “With these new TVs, during my sessions I can use Spotify and YouTube to find the music people want to listen to that is meaningful to them. I can also make relaxing playlists on Spotify with patients to provide them comfort. The impact these TVs will have for our patients and their families is huge, thank you.”
Our annual golf tournament, held in February in association with Kensway at Boulcott’s Farm Heritage Golf Club was once again, a fantastic day out! An incredible $73,530 was raised on the day!
Events like this are made possible thanks to the generosity and support of our event committees, and the many incredible businesses, individuals and groups who support us by sponsoring the events or donating supplies or prizes.
     $73,530 RAISED!
     Biddy Harford, Rebecca Routhan, John Morgan at the 2024 Te Omanga Hospice Golf Tournament.

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