Page 25 - TTPCA_Annual Report 2022
P. 25
The meaning of the logo
The logo was designed to be new, fresh, visually appealing and not too busy or overpowering. The logo presents the text of the new name, symbolises the work of God through chaplaincy, the transformation that is taking place in the organisation, and that we are based in Aotearoa.
The logo has the following components:
The manu (bird) represents Te Wairua Tapu (the Holy Spirit) and its dynamic presence represents the transformation that God works through chaplaincy.
The book is Te Paipera Tapu or the Bible and is visible but subtle. It can also represent other forms of written word that bring transformation.
Māori motifs in the manu are reflective of our Aotearoa context.
The stars can be interpreted in different ways including: Matariki (the Matariki star cluster), the heavens, the New Zealand flag, and the gathering up of people.