Page 13 - YourGuide To Theme Parks and FECs 2021
P. 13

      to surpass last year’s monumental WaterKINGDOM success.
rulantica and proslide ready to raise the bar and break new records
Set to make its debut this year is a brand new RideHOUSE® installation at the world-famous Rulantica at Europa-Park, in Rust, Germany. This RideHOUSE® is poised to be a spectacular feat of design, engineering, and theming that sets a new standard in aquatic play at Rulantica’s already world-leading water park.
Housed outdoors, the RideHOUSE® will be completely customized to seamlessly integrate into the park’s mythologically inspired Scandinavian theming. The awe-inspiring scene of a massive aquatic battle, the sea serpent Svalgur will be depicted towering over the aquatic play structure, locked in battle with a giant octopus, that is actually an expertly themed ProSlide Continuous BodyBOWL, with massive tentacles encircling the RideHOUSE®.
A large fiberglass tipping bucket will hold the appearance of being constructed from fish bones, and
a tunnel, appearing to be made from whale bones, will serve as a transition point between sections. Even smaller aspects like the guardrails will include immersive details, like hand-carved Viking style shields and wood planks that cement the fantasy experience.
There’s no debating that this coming year will be a landmark one for ProSlide and their industry-leading WaterKINGDOM. The sure-to-be mesmerizing RideHOUSE® at Europa-Park’s Rulantica will elevate the already world-leading water park to unheard-of levels and establish a new global benchmark for immersive theming.
In just a few years, ProSlide has transformed the world of aquatic play and raised the bar of what the family area of a water park can be. Parks that are seeking to add new attractions that cater to families will be looking to WaterKINGDOM to help set themselves apart in their market. With more groundbreaking installations to come in the future, it looks like WaterKINGDOM is just getting started.

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