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COMPANY A-Z 83  Cranfield University +44 (0) 1234 750111 Cranfield conducts internationally leading research, consultancy and training courses across a range of energy applications. dOF Subsea ltd. +44 (0) 1224 614000 DOF Subsea provides subsea construction, engineering, survey and IRM services in an international environment. dTS energy ltd +44 (0)1224 068 368 An abrasive water jet cutting and fabrication contract business with specialist knowledge in cutting (profiling) of many different materials such as stainless steel, aluminium, plastic, glass, rubber, stone, wood & ceramics. dale power Solutions ltd. +44 (0) 1723 583511 Suppliers of generating sets, gas turbines, AC UPS, AC & DC secure power, batteries, service and support, lifecycle management. dales marine Services ltd. +44 (0) 1224 212778 Ship repairs: marine, mechanical, maintenance & electrical engineering plus repair of AC/DC motors & armature winding . de Nora water Technologies +44 1827 266 000 De Nora Water Technologies has been providing water and wastewater treatment solutions to the oil and gas markets for more than 35 years. deepOcean UK ltd. +44 (0) 1224 568450 Marine consultancy, ship owners, operators & managers. derrick Services UK limited +44 (0) 1493 669141 Specialists in Derrick Erection/Decommissioning. diamond hard Surfaces +44 (0) 1327 354330 High performance coating solutions. Cummins ltd Cummins, 16 Dunns Wood Road, Wardpark South, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, G67 3EW +44 (0)1236 505809 Diesel engineers.  Curtiss-wright Surface Technologies CWST, European Corporate Office, Hambridge Lane, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5TU. +44 (0)7739 213151 Protective surface finishing: Shot/Laser Peening, Engineered Coatings and Thermal Spray Coatings (75 global divisions/mobile onsite services).  Cuthbertson laird group +44 (0)1698 829711 Supply, calibration, repair and hire of instruments & test equipment. Cutting Underwater Technologies ltd. +44 (0) 1224 222950 Engineered diamond wire cutting solutions. d dd health & Safety Supplies limited +44 (0)1603 628891 Suppliers of workwear, embroidery, first aid, safety signs, footwear, hi-vis, flame retardant clothing, fall arrest. deSmi +44 (0)1782 566900 Pumps. All marine applications, Centrifugal & Positive Displacement type. Marine Pressure Sets. dFdS +44 (0) 1469 552600 Stevedores, project cargo and Ro-Ro, heavy lift cranage, cargo handling, warehousing, ships agency dgA Safety Consultancy and Training +44 (0) 191 519 7336 HSE Consulting Services. Cygnus instruments ltd. Cygnus Instruments Ltd., Cygnus House, 30 Prince of Wales Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1PW. +44 (0)1305 265533 Ultrasonic thickness gauging of tanks, pipes, walls, plus through coatings. pegASUS Oil & gAS 2025 destec engineering Destec Engineering, Five Mile Lane, Washingborough, Lincoln, LN4 1AF. +44 (0)1522 791721 Pipe connectors, compact flanges and high pressure seals, bolt tensioning, on-site machining, on-line leak sealing services. digital Angel radio Communications ltd. Digital Angel Radio Communications Ltd., Atlas Industrial Estate, Springburn, Glasgow, G21 4PR. +44 (0)141 558 2121 Supply, hire & service two-way radio communication equipment & solutions (ATEX), specialists in hazardous areas environments.    

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