Page 12 - YourGuide to Theme Parks and FECs 2025
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Quality and Innovation from Vekoma Rides
   veo ride i nown fo it qulity nd innotion  eflected in te ny intlled Fily &Tillcotendecilttction. Eeyye illion of eole co te globe e deligted nd tilled by te veo cote nd ttction. it in-oue diciline fo sle, r&D, Engineeing, poduction, poject mngeent to pt & seice, veo ride  gined  wold-wide ecognition wit eence in oe 50 countie. it it edqute in Te Netelnd nd eence in diffeent countie ound te wold, we e eily cceible to ou cutoe nywee in te globe.
Cote fo eeyone
Vekoma Rides has a large variety of coasters and attractions. Whether you prefer a sit-down, suspended, flying or launch coaster, standard or custom layout, we can prepare and present every single detail during the project. In addition we will incorporate your storyline into a fantastic coaster design.
Fily cote
Our family coasters are successful proven designs offering a smooth and fun ride experience, ensuring a bright smile on everyone’s face! These easy-going and loveable rides thrill children, but also teens, parents and grandparents really enjoy our rides.
Till nd meg cote
Fun, excitement, dangling feet and happy guests will brighten your park when your guests experience our Thrill Coasters such as the Flying Coasters, Launch Coasters & Mega Coasters.
ndoo Cote
More and more Amusement Parks, Family Entertainment Centers and Shopping Malls choose for custom designs, something exciting and different.
From track layout to train design, we offer a large variety of Custom Designed coasters fully integrated
into your facility. Our engineers work closely with the owner to realize a fun and exciting coaster within the limits of the often complicated building structures, making optimal use of the space.
attction nd seciltie
Not just coasters, also several spectacular attractions and specialties are designed and manufactured by Vekoma Rides and its partners. Whichever site or location you have, almost everything is possible.
We are ready to take on the challenge!
t’ ll bout ou Cutoe
The cooperation with the client is the most valued by our team. Our customers’ opinion is very important to us and we are ready to build your dream.
For more information on Vekoma and its wide range of coasters, attractions and services, you can contact our team and/or you can follow our latest news at
In addition, together with our partner Brogent Technologies, Vekoma Rides offers a broad range of Media Based Attractions such as the i-Ride and various simulators and interactive attractions like the d-Ride, v-Ride 360, t-Ride and m-Ride.

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