Page 24 - Theme Parks 2020
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 Head Rush
We use our engineering expertise and innovative technology to bring new, exciting products to
the adventure and amusement industries, specializing in climbing, zip lining and free fall experiences. Our focus is on engineering solutions to allow participants to push their limits and businesses to break through theirs. Our cutting- edge products use our patented eddy current magnetic braking technology, increasing throughput and enhancing the customer experience while mitigating risk.
TrUBlUE auto Belay for Climbing
Our flagship product is the TRUBLUE Auto Belay device. TRUBLUEs can be found on 6 continents and over 60 countries around the world. In any given year, the more than 25,000 auto belays we have placed around the world get over one billion climbing descents. If you’re looking for a great addition to your amusement park, adventure course, family entertainment center, or even your own home; a climbing wall equipped with a TRUBLUE could be the answer to adding an exhilarating element for all ages and skill levels. One of the most important aspects of the device in addition to its ability to add a fun experience, is it really can be used as a staffing tool. Whereas most climbing walls need a person to supervise every climber, when you use a TRUBLUE, you can greatly reduce your staff to an out of the box experience that is user operated.
a Full Ecosystem of Zip line Gear
When it comes to Zip Lines, Head Rush products offer a unique ecosystem of devices from our award-winning zipSTOP Braking system to our purpose-built zip line trolleys. Head Rush is a leading manufacturer in the zip line industry and is the gold standard for powering the most epic zip lines in the world. In a world of higher, longer, faster, our devices enable engineers and architects alike to stretch their imaginations and build extraordinary and unforgettable experiences.
Bringing Free Fall to the masses
The last and probably most exciting category for Head rush moving into the future is our “Flight” products, the QuickFlight and FlightLine Free Fall devices. Imagine standing on a platform 45-80 feet off the ground and taking a step off the platform and experience the exhilarating experience of free fall at a fraction of the cost of sky diving or bungee jumping. The flexibility and compatibility of our different options will ensure you have a great choice in building out an exciting attraction that truly can bring free fall to the masses.
Our vast product portfolio includes the TRUBLUE Auto Belay, zipSTOP Zip Line Braking System, our QuickFlight and FlightLine Free Fall devices, a family of LIGHTSPEED Zip Line trolleys and our Arboreal Tree Climbing System.
We Engineer Adventure.

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