Page 41 - Opportunities in the Treatment of Water and Other Wast Streams
P. 41

acids in water.
Coagulant: An agent that causes particles suspended in a liquid to coagulate (see coagulation).
Coagulation: To transform particulate matter suspended in a liquid into a soft or solid mass.
Coal bed methane/coal bed natural gas: A clean-burning natural gas found deep inside and around coal seams. Gas is produced by removing groundwater to reduce hydrostatic pressure and stimulate production.
Conductivity: The degree to which a specified material conducts electricity. Contaminant: Any undesirable physical, chemical, or microbiological substance or
matter in a given water source or supply.
Demineralization: Any process that removes mineral substances from water.
Direct filtration: A method of filtration where the feed stream is fed directly to the filtration media. In conventional terms, the conventional treatment train without sedimentation or clarification.
Disposal well: A well where produced water is injected into an underground formation for disposal.
Distillation: The process of heating water to evaporation and its subsequent condensation to purify the water.
Electrodialysis: A process in which ions are transferred through membranes from a less concentrated to a more concentrated solution as a result of direct current electrical potential.
Electrodialysis reversal: An automatic operating feature of some electrodialysis units that reverses the electrical potential applied to the two electrodes about every 15 minutes to promote cleaning of the unit.
Floc: A loosely clumped mass of fine particles.
Flocculation: The gathering of particles, by slow stirring, in water to bind them into
larger aggregates to form a rapidly settling floc.
Flowback: Hydraulic fracturing fluids (see fracturing fluids) that return to surface after a hydraulic fracture is completed.
Fracturing fluids: Fluid mixture composed predominately of water with proppant and chemical additives used to induce and maintain fractures in the target formation.

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