Page 8 - Tech Zero Info Electronic
P. 8
Clean Technology
The TECH ZERO was designed to rival the cleanest thermal technologies available. The clean heating air is kept sepa- rate from the contaminated vapors that are extracted from the contaminated soil/sludges. This allows the low-volume contaminated vapors to be cooled, condensed, and recov- ered for re-use. In many cases, part or all of the contami- nated vapors can be routed into the heating air burner as a secondary fuel source - saving fuel costs.
In recovery mode, once the vapors are cooled and con- densed, the condensate is allowed to gravity phase separate so that the recovered hydrocarbons can be pumped into storage or transfer tanks for re-use.
General Specs
Air ow:
Input: Heating air 2,000 ACFM
Exhaust ow: 70- 150 ACFM
Exhaust temp: 204° to 426° C (400° to 800° F)
Soil/Material Temperatures: Any desired temperature up to a maximum of 1300°F
Power Requirement: 50 amps, 110 V. Single phase electricity Soil Volume: 55 tons (per 12 bins)
Outside Dimensions: L = 80ft, W = 4ft, H = 5ft
Weight: < 1,500 lbs (per bin)
The equipment is manufactured under ASTM standards. The following certi cations are required for operation of the TECH ZERO: Hazmat Certi cate, Operator Training Certi - cate, Heavy Equipment Training Certi cate.