Page 16 - ICG Full Business Plan
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Our Technologies
The M1 Infrared Technology
The Infrared Thermal Technology is an ex-situ thermal remedia on process that heats sta onary contaminated soil/sludges in batches. Theinnova vedesignoftheInfraredallowsforhightemperaturetreatmentofmaterials(soil,sludges,solids)withouttheuseofmoving parts. Some of the key bene ts of the Infrared Technology include:
• No moving parts, does not require blowers or exhaust fans
• No sound, silent when running on grid power
• It is a simple design – works via vapor pressures
• Thermal e ciency above 90% (TDU’s are typically around 33%)
• Lower volume of o -gases
• Low Maintenance
• Soil screening is not necessary
• Ideal for sites with limited working space
• Is able to treat soils and sludges within 24 to 72 hours per batch
• Is able to recover reusable products
The outside dimensions of each unit are 6 wide, 12 long and 5 high. A set of 6 units process approximately 100 tons of material per batch. Thisdesignproducesaverylowamountofexhaustgaswhichisabletobecooledandcondensed. Thisprocessallowsfortherecoveryofmaterials previously entrapped in the contaminated materials (i.e. oil, diesel, etc.).