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P. 163

No one was at the reception desk, and no one came when I called. I hesitated for a moment, then
went into the gallery.
I walked along the corridor to where the Alcestis was hanging. Once again, I looked at the
painting. Once again, I tried to read it, and again I failed. Something about the picture defied interpretation—or else it had some kind of meaning that I had yet to comprehend. But what?
Then—a sharp intake of breath as I noticed something. Behind Alicia, in the darkness, if you squinted and looked hard at the painting, the darkest parts of the shadows came together—like a hologram that goes from two dimensions to three when you look at it from a certain angle—and a shape burst forth from the shadows ... the figure of a man. A man—hiding in the dark. Watching. Spying on Alicia.
“What do you want?”
The voice made me jump. I turned around.
Jean-Felix didn’t look particularly pleased to see me. “What are you doing here?”
I was about to point out the figure of the man in the painting and ask Jean-Felix about it, but I
something told me it might be a bad idea.
Instead I smiled. “I just had a couple more questions. Is now a good time?”
“Not really. I’ve told you everything I know. Surely there can’t be anything else?”
“Actually, some new information has come up.”
“And what is that?”
“Well, for one thing, I didn’t know Alicia was planning on leaving your gallery.”
There was a second’s pause before Jean-Felix answered. His voice sounded tight, like a rubber
band about to snap.
“What are you talking about?”
“Is it true?”
“What business is it of yours?”
“Alicia is my patient. It’s my intention to get her talking again—but I see now it might be in your
interest if she remains silent.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Well, as long as no one knows of her wish to leave, you can hold on to her artwork indefinitely.” “What exactly are you accusing me of?”
“I’m not accusing you at all. Merely stating a fact.”
Jean-Felix laughed. “We’ll see about that. I’ll be contacting my lawyer—and making a formal
complaint to the hospital.”
“I don’t think you will.”
“And why is that?”
“Well, you see, I haven’t told you how I heard Alicia was planning to leave.”

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