Page 14 - Biotech Career Guide
P. 14

career basics
Explore biotechnology education and career opportunities.
The world is moving towards
a new way of building, main-
taining, and renewing the
physical environment in which we
live. Biotechnology is shaping a
world in which cells and proteins
from plants, animals, microbes, and
other biological sources drive manu-
facturing systems, replacing petro-
leum-based and industrial chemicals
that have been doing so for the last
150-plus years. The bioeconomy is
currently valued at an impressive
$2.6 trillion, and continues to experi-
ence rapid growth every year.
If you are a student thinking
about your future, the question is
not if you will participate in the bio-
economy, but how. We use goods
and services provided by the bio-
economy already. Studying biotech-
nology can lead to more, though. It
can be a gateway to a career for you
to help create a cleaner, healthier,
more sustainable way of life for the
whole world, working in technical
as well as non-technical roles. And
along the way, you will be rewarded
with meaning, purpose, and a fine
Join the Revolution

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