Page 6 - Biotech Career Guide
P. 6

biotech revolution
From cosmetics and
carry-alls to picnic
utensils and purses,
biotechnology is help-
ing us reinvent objects
from the everyday to
the exotic. And it all
starts with plant-based
materials. With unique,
qualities, products of
all shapes and sizes
can be made from
renewable, eco-friendly
materials to meet al-
most any human need.
Replacing Plastic With Plants
Plastics are handy, no doubt, but their impact on our planet is enormous. They are non-bio-
degradable, derived from fossil fuels, hard to recycle, and damaging to the environment.
As a result, companies such as BASF, Eastman, and Eco-Products have come up with
eco-friendly and biodegradable alternatives, known as bioplastics. Bioplastics are made
from renewable sources such as corn starch, sugarcane, and vegetable fats and oils,
and they are as versatile as plastic. You may already have seen them in items like fast-
food utensils, candy
wrappers, water bot-
tles, and yogurt
cups. Some bioplas-
tics, found in car-
peting or cars, are
not biodegradable,
but still offer a
more sustainable
alternative to tra-
ditional plastics.
Sequins From the Sea
Did you know that most of the clothes we wear
are made of synthetic fibers like polyester, nylon,
and acrylic – all petroleum-based and non-biode-
gradable? And don’t forget about plastic sequins!
However, the fashion industry is starting to make
changes, partnering with biotech companies to
go eco-friendly. For example, designer Phillip Lim
teamed up with industrial designer Charlotte Mc-
Curdy to create this dress made entirely without
petroleum-based materials. It features bioplastic
sequins made from algae, sewn onto a biodegrad-
able base layer of plant fibers. This makes the dress
free of synthetic fibers, plastic sequins, and oil-
based dyes. And this is just one example. New fabrics
are being made from industrial waste, from microor-
ganisms, and more. Keep reading to find other ways
biotechnology is making fashion more sustainable!

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