Page 9 - Biotech Career Guide
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Eco-Friendly Water Solutions
To make our drinking water safe and delicious, water treat-
ment plants rely on chemicals like chlorine, alum, and fluo-
ride, which can end up as harmful waste downstream in the
environment. Plus, those treatment plants
can be big energy hogs. Fortunately, bio-
tech companies like Solugen and Microvi
have developed more eco-friendly solu-
tions for water treatment. Solugen’s ap-
proach involves using enzymes produced
from plant-based sources to break down
all the yucky stuff in wastewater, while
Microvi uses high-performance microor-
ganisms to zap pollutants from water.
These new systems effectively remove
harmful pollutants and contaminants from
wastewater, so it’s safe to reuse or re-
lease into the environment. A definite
win-win, keeping our water clean without
causing harm to our planet.
Plant-based Cheese,
Milk, and Ice Cream
You’ve likely heard of oatmilk and
almond milk. Superbrewed Food
is a company that produces plant-
based milk, cheese, and ice cream
using proteins brewed from natural
ingredients. Unlike traditional ani-
mal-based products, or other plant-
based milks, Superbrewed Food’s
products have a significantly lower
environmental impact, requiring
less land, water, and energy to pro-
duce. Moreover, the brewing pro-
cess results in products that are
rich in nutrients and free from cho-
lesterol and lactose, which means
they are healthier alternatives for
people who are lactose intolerant
or have dietary restrictions. Which
means everyone will now be able
to scream for ice cream.
New Sources of Meats
As people are becoming more conscious about sustainable food, biotech
companies like Mission Barnes and Upside Foods are stepping up their
game to create delicious non-meat options. Plant-based food has been a hit
for some time now, but these
companies are taking it to the
next level by using fat cells from
meat to make meat alternatives
that taste even better. And
guess what? This approach
makes the texture and flavor so
realistic, you won’t even miss
traditional meat! But it’s not just
about making tasty food. It’s also
about saving the planet and be-
ing ethical. Meat production has been linked to environmental problems and
concerns about cruelty to animals, but with this new approach, we’re looking
at a more sustainable solution. Plus, it could even help address world hun-
ger by providing a more efficient way to produce protein-rich food. The fu-
ture of food production looks brighter (and more delicious) than ever!

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