Page 15 - AI & Your Career review copy
P. 15

tr to book an airline ticket
cannot help you with direc-
tions to the airport.
 tr in can learn all by itself. Pow-
ered by ML, AI uses special
computer programs to re-
e n t  egories with similar things.
Then by trial and error or
finding patterns among
these things, it learns. With
no need for humans to
ay better at the reasoning
tasks it is meant to do. This
kind of AI is called “narrow”
AI, and even if it falls short
of the wide intelligence hu-
mans have, it can do incred-
s  i   i   in an image, identify a
fraudulent credit card trans-
action, separate spam
emails from legitimate ones,
r, creasingly complex reason-
ing operations.
4. Interacts. Lastly, AI inter-
acts with people and other
machines through things
like chatbots, talking assis-
tants, and robots. These
interactive tools mean AI
can conduct exchanges and
h  natural ways. Together,
these abilities enable AI to
carry out tasks, from the
simple to the really compli-
e t s bigger part of our everyday
Dawn of an Era
The November 2022 re-
f   d ni ni g  f  example of generative AI,
ChatGPT exploded our
ideas of what AI could do.
The experience of seamless
exchanges with a computer,
featuring intuitive responses
cc vast reserves of informa-
tion, seemed to blur the
m machine. In the largest
numbers ever, ChatGPT
introduced people to com-
puters being smart in ways
that had never been seen
before. For more on gener-
ative AI, see page 22.
How Smart
Is ChatGPT?
With trillions of digital links
digesting enormous vol-
umes of data, ChatGPT and
other generative AI’s are re-
ally smart. They can build
up vast knowledge within
their domain of training and
use it to generate almost
m medium (text, image, sound,
op smarter. With thousands
of trillions of connections
inside our brains, we can
perceive and understand
things through all our
n s th ctu ti e A rently develop.
Understanding the four key
aspects of AI — perceiving,
reasoning, learning, and in-
teracting — helps us recog-
nize its strengths and weak-
nesses. Even if AI is evolv-
 li tions are constantly shifting,
ll faceted and adaptable. It
st -
i ing how and when to use
 f even as AI continues to de-
velop into more remarkable
versions of itself.

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