Page 25 - AI & Your Career review copy
P. 25

CAREERS: The Environment
fo  th  Pl net
No  al  AI ad ances ar  in te hnical fi lds.
I at th  b  p o g b a o res nd
its species, you might be surprised
a o k o : :
bu EW ma in g
s in an es ens an small burns before they spread into
Wildlife Research
and Conservation
Tracking endangered species tradi-
mega-fires. The company has 50 sen-
le E st to California.
The fight against climate change re-
 in g
l y  ur them or attaching radio or GPS collars
, A    ex role here. For instance, companies like
nte an n-
disturb the animals’ natural behaviors
g t cl y
wa sse y
wa o   o y
wa ro chains. It can also identify opportuni-
te ties, such as new locations for climate-
d smart expansion or increased demand
distance. By analyzing unique mark-
for weather-dependent goods.
ings and patterns (think zebra stripes
    n helps track individual animals, aiding
th ar n
q quickly determine whether popula-
win to emergencies, such as poaching inci-
dents or habitat destruction.
Fighting Climate Change
Climate change is driving more fre-
 an  an Checking Our
Environmental Impact
al  e iro to help us use our resources wisely.
, co lli lt ike
at ma s  ni Trase similarly collects data to show
how products, like cocoa for instance,
get from where they’re made to where
28 NG 

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