Page 56 - Cybersecurity Career Guide, 4th Edition
P. 56

test your abilities
This guidebook is meant to help you
think about how a career in cyberse-
curity might work for you.
The path towards a rewarding career
starts with matching your skills, inter-
ests, and values with a need in the world.
For cybersecurity, that means under-
standing how the things you are good at
and like to do align with the areas of
knowledge and capability that cyberse-
curity professionals use to do their jobs.
You probably have a range of inter-
ests and abilities, developed and used at
school, at home, in the community, and
elsewhere. That’s actually great for cy-
bersecurity! Success in the field comes
from a lot of different kinds of abilities.
How to think about a career in the field plus fun tests of your problem-solving and deductive reasoning skills!
Is Cyber 4 U?
Find the Patterns to Fill in the Blanks
1. What is the number missing from the last row?
184, 13, 85
96, 15, 293
127, 10, 82
149, ____ , 77
Hint: Sometimes you need to meet in the middle
to find the right way to move forward.
2. What is the next number in the sequence?
97, 63, 18, ____
Hint: A particular kind of math operation
connects each number to the next.
3. What are the FIRST two numbers in this sequence?
____ , ____ , 10, 17, 26, 37, 50
4. For each set of words below, what single word can be added
to form a compound word or common phrase to all three?
Powder, stool, ball, ____ ________ _
Motion, poke, down, ____ ________ _
Blue, cake, cottage, ____ ________ _
5. The “X” in each word takes the place of several letters
missing from that word. Figure out what these missing
letters are to complete the word.
1. H X ST
2. AR X RK
3. FR X ER
Hint: You can almost always count on some kind of connection
among the answers to puzzles like this one.
For sure, many cybersecurity profession-
als spend a lot of time working on tech-
nical matters, using a mix of skills and
training in hardware, software, informa-
tion systems, and data networks.
A large number of jobs, though, are
not as technical. They encompass the
human factors related to cybersecurity.
In these jobs, knowledge of law, psychol-
ogy, policy, business, communications,
even international relations can com-
bine with a command of cybersecurity
basics to make for a rich, fascinating
career in the field.
In all these jobs, people analyze and
solve complicated problems, look for pat-
tern and meaning in confusing situations,
and use imagination and creativity to find
new ways to do things. Teamwork and
communication are paramount. Cyberse-
curity is such a complex, fast-changing
world that individuals can never keep up
on their own to find solutions.
We’ve gathered activities here that
draw on these basic cognitive skills. If
you can figure out the answers — or even
just some of them — and have fun along
the way, you might have the makings of
a future cybersecurity star. And if you
want more activities along these lines,
check out the Student Workbook that
accompanies this career guide (for sale
on our website at https://start-engi-

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