Page 37 - Join the Biotech Revolution
P. 37

 ap licat ons, offerin dly alternat ves to singl -
ics and harm ul  aterial .
These m hroom based alternat ves
are rene abl , biodegr able, and
hav w en a   i t
onm ntal impact
c to conve ti nal material .
Indigo  ricult re
Biotech  nnovati n: Craft co tings
 la ed wi h ben fici l
microbes that enh nce  rop yie ds
a e r liance on synth ti c
fertiliz rs and pest cid s.
How? Sp iall  develope  microbes
ge the abil ty  f crops to ist  sease, and thr e e en
und sh co ditio s. Fortify g
plants t  prote t  hemselv s helps
to e  ustaina le farming
, increas agricult ral pro-
duc , and min ize the use  f
h hemical .
Newligh Technolo ies
Biotech  nnovati n: Convert
a poten t
g eenhou e gas,
int odeg a a a t
l able plastic  alled
A .
How? In atur ,  rees r ove
c om the air  n t ss e p oc n t ss  l aves.  his te nolo y
does the same  us ng m roorg n-
isms to  ull  re nhou e gases ou t
of t mo phe e and conv rt  hem
int co-f ie dly plastic  ubsti-
ich  s both  is -
wash r-
safe and comp sta le! The resu t?
utio , cleaner ir, and a
v   a , biodegr able alternat ve
to fossi  f el-der ved plastics OGY CAREER GUIDE

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