Page 42 - Join the Biotech Revolution
P. 42

Plant Technologies (APT), Persis-
tent Aquatic Living Sensors (PALS),
and Preventing Emerging Patho-
genic Threats (PREEMPT).
Preparing and restoring troops
W levels of ability.
tr W e
v volume, requires expensive, cold
and atc  t r  o-
thetic blood substitute is under
development that would work
something like freeze-dried milk:
y t e
b body chemistry of any wounded
 go FSHARP, Fieldable Solutions for
Hemorrhage with bio-Artificial
Resuscitation Products.
Restoring Active Memory (RAM)
seeks to restore or enhance troops’
memory and learning capabilities —
with something no more invasive
a b s wear while sleeping. The device
would send electronic signals into
the brain to interact with ongoing
neural activity, helping people re-
or ain studied while awake in deeper,
more lasting fashion.
Fortifying and maximizing efforts
to keep troops supplied, safe,
f pe environment.
An active battlespace is as compli-
  the  Wa shelter, health and well-being,
supplies, and food are always at
A Atmospheric Water Extraction
(AWE) would yield devices to extract
re  f t ri needs for up to 150 people.
Engineered Living Materials
(ELM) envisions living biomaterials
that could “grow” into buildings,
meld into existing structures to
air presence of hazardous elements
en n t Cornucopia seeks to enable
on-site production of nourishing,
even tasty food out of nothing more
than water, air, electricity, and easily
stored and transported microbial
And the Advanced Acclimation
and Protection Tool for Environmen-
tal Readiness (ADAPTER) program
b e p chemistry that could produce and
release treatments for afflictions as
varied as diarrhea, infections, and
jet lag.
on kind are widely distributed through-
nse They include the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Administration
(DARPA), the Office of Naval Re-
 (O Laboratory (ARL), and the Air Force
Office of Scientific Research
F -
c cies can require background checks,
drug tests, and security clearances.
To read more about defense-re-
t e w log e w log e.
En nologies Office at the Department of
at about-us/offices/bto.

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