Page 17 - Cybersecurity Career Guide, 4th Edition
P. 17
Watch out for scams. Learn to identify email scams and shady web- sites. Knowing a bogus email when
you see one is tricky. The best ones look really convincing, just like lots of other emails in your inbox. Phishing hackers are counting on people not paying close attention to emails and just clicking or answering without looking very hard at what they’re doing.
Be careful what you post. All the items you share on social media, for example, should reflect behaviors and language that you are willing to live with for years to come. Sketchy photos and dubious words from the past have come back to bite many people when college
admissions officers and prospective employers come into the picture. Count on the fact that they will check your posts, tweets and snaps. And consider what they will reveal about you.
Protect your privacy. As a texter or emailer, social media user, shopper, or just website visitor, we all must make choices all the time about what kind
of personal information to offer up as public or to keep private. The basic question involved in all these choices
is whether to trust the machine or per- son who is (apparently) on the other side of our screen. And the best answer is usually no — or at least to put less trust in these exchanges than we usually do. Providing your bank with a home address, birthdate, and phone number might be okay, but in an online game chat room? No way!
Speaking of banks, sensitive informa- tion should always be encrypted. Have you ever noticed that web addresses begin with either “http” or “https”?
The “s” stands for “secure,” meaning your data is encrypted into meaningless gibberish as it moves from you to the machine and back again. And only the machine has the key to translate, or decrypt, the gibberish back into your personal data.
And learning how many ways compa- nies use (and profit from) the data we share with them should give us all pause regarding the volume of personal infor- mation we let them gather when we buy their products and use their services.
Say no to drugs. Whatever your state’s laws say about the use of marijuana, let alone other recreational drugs, federal law continues to make it illegal. Many pri- vate-sector employers follow federal law
and will disqualify potential employees for positive drug tests. And government security clearances require clean drug tests over extended periods of time.
Be cautious — and thrifty. Start monitoring your bank accounts and credit cards so that you can spot identity theft that can create debt in your name. Avoid high consumer debt of your own— you don’t want your credit card balance to make it look like you could be bribed for access and information. How you spend your money will also be visible through your credit rating to anyone evaluating you for a possible job. Show- ing irresponsibility with your own per- sonal finances will raise a flag for any- one trying to decide if you should be trusted with other people’s sensitive, personal data and resources. Whether using the internet now as a student or defending it in the future as a cybersecu- rity professional, keeping things clean online and IRL will always be the right approach.
Which leads us to cybersecurity careers. Indeed, establishing trustwor- thiness online is central to cybersecurity professionals’ work, but so is maintain- ing it offline. As it turns out, all these best online security practices can set you on a path towards a career in cybersecu- rity. Learning how to build strong pass- words, distinguish real emails from phishing scams, and track how far your data can travel beyond the website you just gave it to can well serve as the basic training needed to launch you towards a career in cybersecurity. Knowing what can go wrong with your own online life is a great way to start thinking about how to prevent things from going wrong with other people’s online lives.