Page 34 - Cybersecurity Career Guide, 4th Edition
P. 34

financial aid
Trim Your Tuition
It’s more important than ever to find ways to reduce college costs.
If you’re looking for financial aid, start with scholarships at the schools you are interested in at-
tending. These are usually the most generous. But there are also numerous cybersecurity scholarships from many sources, such as non-profits, founda- tions, institutions, government organi- zations, and corporations. Did you know that many available scholarships go un-
CIA Stokes Scholarship
Award amount: $24,000/year agency-cia-stokes-scholarship/
CIA Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Award amount: Up to $25,000/year ate-scholarship-program/
Department of Defense Cyber Scholarship Program
Award amount: tuition + stipend gram-cysp/
ESET Women In Cybersecurity Scholarship
Award amount: $5,000 eset-women-in-cybersecurity-scholarship-now-accepting-ap- plications/
Generation Google Scholarship
Award amount: $10,000 tion-google-scholarship
used? So apply for as many as you can! Websites for almost all government
agencies include details on scholar- ships generally, as well as partnerships with non-profits and professional orga- nizations, such as Women Who Code. These organizations often have part- nerships with universities and private employers for scholarships, paid intern- ships, or both. The National Society of
Black Engineers, the Society of His- panic Professional Engineers, and the Society of Women Engineers all offer scholarships.
Ask your high school guidance counselor to help you. In the meantime, here’s a good list to get you started. Note that some scholarships require government service in return for the award.
Google Lime Scholarship (students with disabilities)
Award amount: $10,000 google-lime-scholarship
(ISC)2 Graduate Scholarships
Award amount: $1,000 - $5,000
(ISC)2 Undergraduate Scholarships
Award amount: $1,000 - $5,000 scholarships
(ISC)2 Women’s Scholarships
Award amount: $1,000 - $5,000
KNOWBE4 Black Americans In
Cybersecurity Scholarship
Award amount: $10,000 scholarship

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