Page 54 - Cybersecurity Career Guide, 4th Edition
P. 54

considering cyber
A Few Truths
Don’t believe everything you see in the movies or on TV. Let’s debunk a few myths about careers in cybersecurity.
  ...and white guys.
There are more men in cyber than women, but women are making gains and have taken on major roles in the cybersecurity profes- sion. And today’s cybersecurity professionals recognize the im- portance of diversity. Teams with a mix of people from different personal and academic back- grounds can gain valuable in- sights from the unique perspec- tives each member offers.
There are many organizations ready to help you succeed, such as Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS), the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Black Girls Code, and the Women’s So- ciety of Cyberjutsu. See page 40.
  Cybersecuarity is just for
tech wizards...
This is the most popular myth about cyberse- curity, no thanks to Hollywood. While you need to be knowledgeable about IT to exe- cute cybersecurity tasks, especially in the ar- eas of risk management, networking basics, threat awareness, and tool kit maintenance, you don’t have to be a wizard to work in cy- bersecurity. In fact, the most important skills for success in a cyber job aren’t necessarily tech-related. Problem-solving, communica- tion skills, and teamwork are commonly cited as being extremely important. Cybersecurity experts are rock stars in cyberspace, and most of them find the field to be enjoyable. The fast pace of change in technology, the chal- lenge of solving problems, and the plentiful career opportunities across various sectors are exciting. And don’t forget the nice salaries!

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