Page 53 - Cybersecurity Career Guide for UT Austin
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Enlist in
Your Future
Okay, so a career in cybersecurity
interests you. But not every stu-
dent who graduates from high
school has either the academic or financial
wherewithal to go to college. But hang on!
There’s another possible route: the military.
All branches of America’s all-volunteer
military — the Army, Air Force, Navy, Ma-
rines, and Coast Guard — have cyber com-
mands dedicated to national security. They
work 24/7 to protect military networks,
weapons platforms, combat units, and crit-
ical U.S. infrastructure from global cyber
threats generated by adversarial nations,
non-state terrorists, and criminals.
Beyond needing a high school diploma
or GED equivalent to join up, it also helps to
have strong communications, math, and
problem-solving skills. But new recruits are
given aptitude tests to determine which
military occupational specialties (MOS)
they’re best suited for. So to qualify for a
cybersecurity MOS, it may be a good idea to
first get a basic certification in the field from
an accredited organization and bolster your
computing skills before you march down to
“Cyberspace is not just a computer on your desktop. It’s the way that
we as an Air Force intend to fly and fight,” General Robert J. Elder, Jr., USAF
your local recruiter. New recruits first spend
around 10 weeks in boot camp, which in-
cludes physical and weapons training, and
learning tactical and survival skills. Next
comes advanced training in cybersecurity
that can last approximately nine to 40
weeks, depending on your MOS assignment.
This training often includes classroom and
on-the-job instruction in things like data-
base design and computer networking —
even a foreign language, if necessary.
Once your (usually) four-year enlistment
is up, the skill sets and security clearance
you gained while serving your country mean
you’ll be well positioned to earn a college
degree to further your cybersecurity career.
Veterans are eligible for the GI Bill, which
typically covers tuition and fees, while
providing extra stipends for housing, books,
and supplies. Another option: re-enlist and
use your benefits to earn a college degree
while on duty. You could then consider get-
ting some brass to go with your sheepskin
by enrolling in an officer commission school
to jump up the ranks from enlisted member
to officer.
Personnel at Marine Corps Forces Cy-
berspace Command work in the cyber
operations center at Lasswell Hall on
Fort Meade, Maryland, Feb. 5, 2020.
Below: Military personnel engaging in
cybersecurity operations and training.

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