Page 57 - Cybersecurity Career Guide for UT Austin
P. 57

1) 14. The digits of the 1st and 3rd numbers add up to the 2nd
number. 1, 4, and 9 add up to 14, as do 7 and 7.
2) 8. Multiply the digits of each number to get the next one in
sequence. 1 x 8 = 8..
3) 2, and 5. Consecutive odd numbers are the difference between
each figure in the sequence. 2 + 3 = 5; 5 + 5 = 10; 10 + 7 = 17; and so on.
4) foot; slow; cheese
5) hONEst; arTWOrk; frEIGHTer; femiNINE; atTENtion
6) You gave the last friend of yours both the basket AND the mini
chocolate bar.
7) Victor; Iris; Rick; Ursula; Sammi. Their initials spell out VIRUS.
8) Tuesday. The “day before tomorrow” is today, and the “day before
two days after” this time is really just “one day” after. So if “one day”
after today is Wednesday, then today is Tuesday.
9) Line 2 (7421N is the violation)
10) Block 2 ( is the violation)
11) Passwords 3 (does not end with special character), 4 (starts
with a number, does not end with a special character), and 5 (starts
with a special character, does not end with a special character).
12) Emails 2 (does not start with letter or number), 4 (does not end
with a valid domain name), 5 (does not end with a valid domain
6. You have a basket with 15 mini chocolate bars in it. You
also have 15 friends who all want one. After giving all 15
of your friends one mini chocolate bar, there is still one
mini chocolate bar in the basket! How can this be?
7. Five people got on a bus at five different stops. Iris got
on before Rick, but after Victor. Ursula got on before
Sammi, but after Rick. What was the order of people
getting on the bus? What else do you notice about this
order of names?
8. The day before two days after the day before tomorrow
is Wednesday. What day is it today?
Attention to Detail
9. In a computer program, valid combinations of data
are 5 characters long which start with a letter and
finish with a letter. In between numbers or letters may
be used. Identify from the below, which line contains
a violation of this pattern.
Line 1: A123B C546D m874A P461N M938A v847F
Line 2: x82aC D546j z834A 7421N y935B k142q
Line 3: A123B Ca46D m474A P411N Mj38A v8b7F
Line 4: x82aC D566j z8f4A h4x1N y93aB k122q
10. On a network, each computer has a special address
called an IP address. In IPv4 the addresses must take
the form [0-255].[0-255].[0-255].[0-255]. A valid IPv4
address for example is ‘’. Look at the below
blocks of IP addresses. Which block, if any, contains an
invalid IP address?
Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
11. In a password validation system, valid passwords must
meet the following criteria:
⊲ Be at least eight characters long.
⊲ Start with a letter.
⊲ End with a special character (e.g., !, @, #).
⊲ Can contain any combination of letters, numbers,
		 and special characters in between.
Which of the following passwords violates this pattern?
Password 1: A1b2c3d4!
Password 2: xYz9876#
Password 3: AbC12@34
Password 4: 1234abcd
Password 5: !abcdEFGH
12. In an email address validation system, valid email
addresses must meet the following criteria:
⊲ Start with a combination of letters and numbers.
⊲ Followed by the “@” symbol.
⊲ Followed by a domain name (e.g.,
Which of the following email addresses violates
this pattern?
Email 1:
Email 2:
Email 3:
Email 4: user@example.com123
Email 5:

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