Page 2 - Cybersecurity Career Guide for GCS
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         Dear students, teachers, parents, mentors, and to all those interested in becoming a cyber warrior and national hero:
      Dear students, teachers, parents, mentors, and to all those interested in becoming a cyber warrior and national hero: On behalf of my amazing team at the Georgia Cyber Center, we are thrilled to partner with Start
 Engineering again this year to offer you an updated version of this incredible resource. As you flip through the pages of On behalf of my amazing team at the Georgia Cyber Center, we are thrilled to partner with Start
this career guide, I hope you will embrace the amazing opportunities that are in store for you as a cyber professional. Engineering again this year to offer you an updated version of this incredible resource. As you flip through the pages of
this career guide, I hope you will embrace the amazing opportunities that are in store for you as a cyber professional. In my last letter I implored you to consider cybersecurity as a potential career opportunity because of the growing
threat to our national security. As a former senior intelligence officer for the Department of Defense, I have an intimate In my last letter I implored you to consider cybersecurity as a potential career opportunity because of the growing
understanding of the cyber threat, which consists of a mixture of criminal organizations, adversarial nation-states, and threat to our national security. As a former senior intelligence officer for the Department of Defense, I have an intimate
terrorist organizations who are all seeking to steal our money, data, and intellectual property, and ultimately do harm to understanding of the cyber threat, which consists of a mixture of criminal organizations, adversarial nation-states, and
our great nation.
terrorist organizations who are all seeking to steal our money, data, and intellectual property, and ultimately do harm to
our great nation.
The cybercrime statistics from two years ago were pretty daunting, and unfortunately, they continue to get worse.
Global financial losses attributed to cybercrime exceeded $6 Trillion last year, which is up from $3 Trillion in 2015. To The cybercrime statistics from two years ago were pretty daunting, and unfortunately, they continue to get worse.
make matters worse, almost half of all the cyber-attacks in the U.S. last year were against small businesses, which Global financial losses attributed to cybercrime exceeded $6 Trillion last year, which is up from $3 Trillion in 2015. To
caused almost half of those businesses to go out of business.
make matters worse, almost half of all the cyber-attacks in the U.S. last year were against small businesses, which
caused almost half of those businesses to go out of business.
At the same time, our gap in cybersecurity professionals continues to widen. Since 2018, the number of unfilled
cybersecurity jobs in the U.S. has grown by almost 100,000 people each year – from 326,000 unfilled jobs in 2018 to At the same time, our gap in cybersecurity professionals continues to widen. Since 2018, the number of unfilled
714,000 unfilled jobs in 2022. So how do we reverse this alarming trend?
cybersecurity jobs in the U.S. has grown by almost 100,000 people each year – from 326,000 unfilled jobs in 2018 to
714,000 unfilled jobs in 2022. So how do we reverse this alarming trend?
Fortunately, there is a solution to this impending global crisis, and that solution includes YOU! There is a common expressFionrtuinathtelys,ethceureityisinadsuoslutrtyiotnhatot tshaisysim“wpeitnhdeinvgergylogbraelactricshisa,llaendgtehactosmoelustiognreiantcloupdpeosrYtuOnUity!,”Tahnedreyiosuancowmmhaovne an oppoerxtpurneistysitonBinEthGeRsEeAcuTriytyouinrdsueslft!ryItshtarotsnagylysb“weiltihevevethryatgoreuartncahtaiollneanglseeccoumrietysigsredaetpoepnpdoerntutnoitny,y”oaunrdgyeonuenraowtiohna’sveskainll, passoipopno, ratunnditycotomBmEitmGRenEtAtTo yhoeulprsperlfo! teI cstryoonugrlyfebleloliwevceitihzaetnosu, rbnuat tIioanmal csoencfuidrietynitsthdeapt eWnEdeCntAoNn SyoTuILr LgeWneINraWtioInT’sHsYkOill,UR HELpPa.ssion, and commitment to help protect your fellow citizens, but I am confident that WE CAN STILL WIN WITH YOUR
As you read through this Cybersecurity Career Guide, I hope you will find your niche in this extraordinary career
field. It isAsceyrotuairnelyadatchhroaullgehngthinisgCfiyeblde,rsbeuctuyriotyuCwailrlebeer Ghauride-p, rIehsospedytoufiwnidll afinmdoyroeurenwicahredingthcisarexetratohradtinoaffreyrcsaaresemr uch divefriseiltdy. inIt wisocrekrtraoilnelys,accahreaellernagdinvagnficeeldm, ebnut yoopupowritlul bneitiehas,rda-npdremssoendettoarfiyndinacemnotirverse.wAalrsdoin,grecgaarerdelretshsatoof fwfehrseraesymoucwhork – whdeivtehresritiyt’sinfowrotrhkerogleosv,ecrnarmeernat dovr ainctehme epnritvoapteposretucntoitrie–s,yaonud’llmboenseetarvryinigncyeonutirvecos.unAtlrsyoa, rnedgacrodnletrsibsuotfinwghteoreouyor uovweorrakll secu–riwtyh.ether it’s for the government or in the private sector – you’ll be serving your country and contributing to our overall
This guidebook should help inform you and answer many of your questions about cybersecurity, but I hope it also
inspiresThyiosugutoidaenbsowokershyoulrdchaellipngintformjoinyotuheanedlitaentsewaemr mofacnyboefryporuorfeqsuseisotnioanls athbaotuot ucrybneartsioencudreitys,pbeurtaItehloypneeiet dasls.oAs partinosf pyioreusr yteoaumto, athneswGeroyroguiar cCayllbinegr tCoejonitnerthsetaeflfities tmeaomreotfhcaynbehraprpoyfetsossiopnealsk twhaitht oyuorunaintiopnerdseosnpearnadteolyffenreeadsv.icAesor answpaertaonf yoaudrdteitiaomn,atlhqeuGesetoiorgnisayCoyubemraCyehnatevres.tYafofuiscmanorreetahcahnuhsapthpryotuogshpoeuarkweitbhsyitoeuaint:phettrpsso:n//agnadcyobfferrcaednvteicre.oorgr.
answer any additional questions you may have. You can reach us through our website at:
Regardless of which career path you choose to take, we wish you nothing but the best and Godspeed on your career
Regardless of which career path you choose to take, we wish you nothing but the best and Godspeed on your career and life journey. But please remember – YOUR NATION NEEDS YOU!
and life journey. But please remember – YOUR NATION NEEDS YOU!
Sincerely, Sincerely,
 Eric Toler
Eric Toler Executive Director
Executive Director Georgia Cyber Center
Georgia Cyber Center

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