Page 25 - Cybersecurity Career Guide for GCS
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limited to six but can be as
small as two! A coach is
required, but a technical
mentor is optional. Many teams and coaches come in without experience. The local and state rounds of timed events are held online, over several months, on weekends, with the national round taking place in person in Baltimore, MD. If there isn’t one in your area, ask your school counselor about putting together a team. For more info, see
Security Advisor Alliance Converge Tour
This program connects middle school, high school, and college students with working cybersecurity pro-
fessionals to inspire and engage the next
generation of cyber talent. Their interactive
workshop allows students to test-drive ca- reers in cybersecurity in a real-world-appli- cable way. Local mentors work through challenges with students that teach ana- lytical thinking skills, teamwork, and cre- ativity. The Alliance’s gamified Capture the Flag experience teaches students the skills and tools being used to defend the largest companies in the world. The day is capped with a discussion on career pathways and available resources to help guide students to a fulfilling future in the industry. For more info on the Converge Tour and the Security Advisor Alliance, visit https://
Let’s Play Cyber Games
Launched by Ohio Cyber Woman, Let’s Play Cyber Games is based on the 4-H experience of founder Janis Mitchell. Middle school girls take part in project-based activities that teach both computer skills and business practices. Young women in the cybersecurity field serve as mentors for hands-on activi- ties using Raspberry Pi, a credit-card-size computer that plugs into a monitor and is given to participants. Mitchell surveyed the participants and found that after attending Let’s Play, 74 percdent of attendees would now consider a career in cyber. For more information, go to
The National Cryptologic Museum
Located in Fort Meade, MD, outside NSA headquarters, the museum explores the history of cryptology and cybersecurity. Visitors can learn about code-makers and -breakers through- out history, from early Native Americans to professionals to- day working in high-tech spycraft. The museum also provides opportunities for high school students to chat with experts in the field on a wide range of topics; check out the listings at The museum will soon be moving to a new state-of-the-art building filled with interac- tive educational exhibits for students to explore (see the photo below for an early look).
To find out about events near you, search online for terms like cyber ranges and capture the flag connected to local educa- tion centers and cyber organizations.
Students work with mentors to solve a Capture the Flag challenge during the Security Advisor Alliance Converge Tour.
Architect rendering of the interactive kiosk and exhibits planned at the Cyber Center for Education and Innovation.