Page 37 - Cybersecurity Career Guide for GCS
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both in and outside of the career who can help you in the workplace,” suggests Charles Britt, a cybersecu- rity expert and former CIA officer. “Have at least one trusted individual in your network you can talk to about both professional and personal challenges im- pacting your career as well.” But don’t be discouraged if a mentor within your field doesn’t look like you. Kate Plough, a software developer with the NSA, found that men were ready to help her advance her education and career goals. Above all, she says, don’t decide tech isn’t for you because you’re in the minority. Symantec, the company that developed the Norton anti-virus
The cybersecurity field needs people from every background.
software portfolio, is committed to raising the per- centage of women employed in cybersecurity. It part- ners with numerous professional and educational or- ganizations and has developed the Symantec Cyber Career Connection to help prepare women and other underrepresented individuals for cyber careers.
There are more organizations ready to help you build up and connect than we can list here. Just for starters: Women in Cybersecurity, which has student chapters at more than 100 colleges; AllStar Code; the National Society of Black Engineers; Black Girls Code; and the Women’s Society of Cyberjutsu.