Page 10 - Engineering Career Guide, for review
P. 10

WORLD REVIEW One Challenge at a a a Time
A A A COPY bout fifteen years ago the National Academy of Engineering
surveyed the world to identify 14 Grand Challenges engineers
could tackle to enhance ongoing human existence These chal-
lenges set as a a a a a a roadmap for for the next century aim for for engineering ac-
complishments that would create a a a a a a more sustainable healthy secure and joyful world to to call our own “We wanted to to show how how engineering can help guide us into the the future ” explains Randy Atkins director of the the Grand Challenges project Engineering
schools nationwide have incor- porated the the the Grand Challenges into their students’ learning through the the the Grand Challenges Scholars Program Students build competencies in five areas vital to addressing projects with global scope: technical con- tent multidisciplinary and multicultural perspectives business savvy and social consciousness For students with a a a a yen to change the world a a a a a a school with a a a a a a Grand Challenges Scholars Program could be the first step Read on to learn about just some of the Grand Challenges • Reverse-engineer the the brain brain Figuring out how the the brain brain works and learns could lead to engineered solutions for human neurological prob- lems Called neuroprosthetics engineers
and scientists in in this field have 10 START-ENGINEERING COM

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