Page 16 - Engineering Career Guide, for review
P. 16
Become an AI Wizard Make artificial intelligence your creative power When ChatGPT exploded like
much the same way that human brains
digital fireworks on the in-
work work Neural networks help AI systems
ternet in late 2022 it cast
perform complicated “intelligent”
light on the power and promise of arti-
actions like
recognizing images trans-
ficial intelligence like
never before lating languages and even playing
But AI tools have been with us for games They enable computers to years — from Google Search to to Siri to to learn making them better at these
Spotify AI has been shaping our on-
tasks the the the more they do them over time line lives all along in in ways most of us Studying AI involves learn ing cod-
have never realized ing ing languages like
Python and using AI REVIEW If you like
learning about — and system-building platforms like
improving — how apps talk back to us Flow You might use such tools to to build then consider studying computer engi-
chatbots write chess-playing pro-
neering In this field you’ll learn how grams or design apps that predict
AI engineers use computer hardware stock market trends In all the se activi- COPY software and programming languages ties you’ll discover how to analyze
to write the the algorithms and build the the data adjust algorithms and improve
data structures that underlie AI sys-
models to make AI work even better tems
large and small Finally ethics plays a a a a pivotal role in in Algorithms are the basic building the realm of AI Your education should
blocks of all AI systems
In simplest
include the societal ramifications of AI form they consist of instructions that its potential biases and the hurdles
direct computers to carry out defined
associated with upholding fairness
operations just as recipes guide us us in and accountability Gaining an an under-
the kitchen to make food Algorithms standing of the ethical predicaments
quickly get long and complicated in that envelop AI is paramount These
developing AI systems
They are often
encompass concerns tied to privacy strung together on neural networks bias the displacement of jobs and elaborate systems
of interlocking data even the decision-making capabilities
processing operations that work in in inherent in in AI systems