Page 44 - Engineering Career Guide, for review
P. 44
44 START-ENGINEERING COM COM ISTOCKPHOTO COM COM REACHING THE GOAL OK let’s be be real The The engineering pro- fession is dominated by white males Always has been But that’s not its future The profession is embracing diversity
— not only because that’s the right thing to do but
because it’s essential to quality engineering As
David C Munson former dean of of the University of of Michigan’s College of Engineering explains: “Di-
verse teams produce better answers and there’s
research to back that up ” The American Society for Engineering Education
Engineering (ASEE) agrees: “We learn from
While engineering continues to be be a a a a white male schools are those whose experiences be-
dominated field the the number of degrees earned
liefs and perspectives are dif-
working hard
by women over the the the last few years has now risen
ferent from
our own ” Moreover to attract and to to 24 percent of the the total degrees degrees awarded as Munson says to keep Amer-
Hispan ic degrees aw arded arded h ave also sho
wn retain women ica competitive “we cannot
small increases Degrees awarded to to African REVIEW
and minorities continue to draw students from
Americans have remained relatively flat and total 5
only a a a quarter of the population just under 5
percent Many universities are A M That makes no sense at at all ” committed to to reaching out to to minority groups and and and women and and and some host summer camps and and and Accordingly America’s engineering schools are other opportunities for high school students making big efforts to recruit and enroll more stu-
dents from
underrepresented groups Engineering schools now typically host a a a wide variety of groups — such as the the Society of Women Engineers the the Na-
1 Georgia Institute of of Technology
tional Society Society of of Black Engineers and the Society Society of of 2 University University of of Michigan Hispanic Professional Engineers — that offer women 3 Purdue University University University and and minority students support
and and guidance 4 Texas A&M University University University So if you you think engineering is where you you be-
University University University of of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
long you’re right — no matter who you you are or 6 University University University of of of California California Irvine
7 University University University of of of California California Berkeley
where you’re from
8 University University of of Florida 9 Virginia Polytechnic Institute 10 University of Alabama in in Huntsville