Page 23 - Cybersecurity Guide for Lockheed
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JROTC Program
Adds Cyber Focus
The U.S. Air Force Junior ROTC has launched a four-year pilot program to add cybersecurity education to the ex- isting curriculum at 30 schools nation- wide. The program consists of activities and mentoring throughout high school, including participation in the CyberPa- triot competition (freshman year), AP Computer Science Principles (sopho- more year), a summer Cyber Academy (after junior year) at a local university, and opportunities for internships. The goal is to prepare students to enter the cyber workforce, pursue postsecondary studies, and/or enter military service. Though the classes will be open to all high school students, the Cyber Summer Scholarship will only be awarded to ca- dets enrolled in the JROTC program. Ask about it at your school!
and businesses have partnered to create “hackathons” and STEM fairs. Start your search with NICE-certified cyber events. See page 24 for more ideas.
7. Use summer for cyber. Any job that has you working with computers and security rules boosts your resume. Use IEEE or an online search to find intern- ships. Or go to cyber or computing camp!
The NSA runs the GenCyber Camp pro- gram, based at colleges nationwide (see page 24). Check out Palo Alto Networks’ Cyber A.C.E.S. program and take the free online Foundations class. Palo Alto Networks also offers online courses with labs for the PCCSA, a basic certification that could have you ready for an entry-level position in cybersecu- rity just as you finish high school!