Page 11 - 2021 Fall Classic Breeders' Sale
P. 11
Sale Information
same PPE and x-ray requirements as a performance horse or choose to withdraw from the sale. The foal can then be solely offered at auction and a $150 refund will be given.
It is recommended that they are shown at their dam’s side, although may be shown without.
Must perform the PPE as required by the sale committee, which includes trotting for soundness.
Must perform the PPE as required by the sale committee, which includes trotting for soundness. Basic x-ray requirement is recommended but not mandatory.
2-year-old prospect
Must perform the PPE as required by the sale committee, which includes trotting for soundness and basic x-ray requirement.
* All age categories are as of January 1st, of the year of nomination
*All owners agree that by nominating their horse(s) they will provide the sale with all required veterinarian documentation including: x-rays, EIA, insurance forms, vaccination record, medication form and videoed flexion tests that will be sent to the admin team by the dates specified in the ‘Important Dates and Deadlines’ section below. Failure to do so will forfeit all fees and your horse will not be sold through the sale!
*All owners agree that by nominating their horse(s) they will allow them to be tested for any banned substances according to the Equine Canada Medication Control Committee. Every horse will have blood drawn at their PPE and it will be held for 45 days after the sale.
*Where the owner of a horse is a partnership, limited company, ranch or farm all legal signatories must sign the nomination form.
*All information and representations of the horses consigned are the sole responsibility of the seller or agent of the seller.
*The seller acknowledges that each horse consigned is free and clear of all liens, warrants and encumbrances.
*All original papers and passports must be turned into our office no later than the presentation days, along with the corresponding, signed transfer of ownership forms.
*The Sales Admin can assist you with all documentation. In the case of a pending registration, the registration form and the transfer of ownership must be completed, DNA included (20 hairs from the root) with the DNA form and turned into our office no later than the presentation days.
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