Page 99 - 2021 Fall Classic Breeders' Sale
P. 99
MJ Brilliante is an exceptional 2-year-old, currently standing 15.2hh he should mature 16-16.1. He has very correct conformation, with great rhythm, good active hocks and good reach of stride. He also has a superior disposition. Always glad to see you, willing to do anything you ask as soon as he understands the question. Without question, he is child/amateur friendly and will try to please his people all the time. I would pick him for the hunter ring with his handsome good looks, smooth lines and great rhythm and expect great results.
Sire: Larghetto’s sire, Like A Diamond, pedigree traces back to Landgraf crossed with Laurie’s Crusader, from which many Grand Prix bloodlines which led to him being named the Champion Stallion of his Westfalen Licensing. He has contin- ued in Dressage and is now successfully competing at Grand Prix. Dam Famina pedigree is Fidermark on Landgraf. She has produced 4 foals, 3 of which are now licensed stallions. 2 in Canada and 1 in Sweden. One son is currently competing at Prix St George and working on Intermediaire.
Larghetto himself has Landgraf 10 times in 9 generations of his pedigree, mak- ing him an interesting outcross for jumpers. At 27 months he was presented for Licensing and became the Reserve Champion at Licensing for CWHBA for his year. At 4 he went to his CWHBA Stallion performance test where he placed 3rd overall. He is good looking, with elastic movement and is very athletic, with a great temperament, all traits he has passed on to his offspring over his 2 years of breeding.
Dam: MJ Patygonia has several great mares in her pedigree. State premium Weragonia, imported from Hannover is an Elite mare with CW, producing several premium daughters and 2 approved stallions. MJ Sweet Georgia, the first non warmblood mare to be named Elite with CW. She got all her points from a string of very nice mares that were presented at inspection. MJ Evita, a premium mare has produced a string of daughters that have had much success in the show ring both in hunters and jumpers and now the breeding shed. Paty has produced three foals, the oldest of which is William Wallace, a winner including derbies in the tough California Winter circuits.