Page 19 - The Madden Method Symposium
P. 19

Carly Kist
Cara Bella
CSHA 2014 Chestnut Mare
    Carly always enjoyed watching the events at Spruce Meadows and began jumping lessons when she was seven years old, although she rode her mom’s horse bareback when she was much younger. Her top accomplishments are
i. Representing Canada at the North American
Young Rider Championships (many years ago
haha); ii. Jumping her first World Cup Qualifier and
getting her first qualifying points; iii. Continuing to
ride and compete young horses while completing
law school! Carly would like to develop a young horse all the way to the top of the sport. Although limited for time to compete in recent years, she thinks it would be exciting to train and show a jumper that she’s brought up through the levels.
CARA BELLA is by CABARDINO out of a RIO NEGRO mare. Based on Bella’s breeding, natural movement, and tem- perament, Carly believes this young mare will excel as a top-level hunter or derby horse. She also demonstrates the athleticism and willingness to become an excellent equitation or jumper mount as well. CARA BELLA began jump- ing and doing small shows at 4 years old, primarily in the hunter ring but this year she’ll be trying some different rings. Carly is looking to the Maddens to help her work BELLA’s balance and as she is very eager and light in the mouth, she sometimes travels too much behind the bit. BELLA likes to jump beyond the center point of the jump so she requires work on the arc of her jump.
Carpaccio Klarina
Rio Negro Da’Leah
Caretino Bettina II Gaspari I Farina VI
Rialto I Fraulein Soldner Comtess Leah

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