Page 23 - TORCH Magazine #25
P. 23

of only reporting the the aid aid that they collect from from from specific crossings aid aid originating from from from UN UN sources sources and a a a a a a a a a a a partial count from from from non-UN sources sources Whereas Israel’s agency that deals with the border logistics COGAT counts
all all aid transferred to Gaza
from all all routes origins and entry points The most severe discrepancy came in in in May when the the UN reported less than a a a a a a a a a a a quarter of the the aid that was actually provided Israel has gone above and and beyond to try and and and and help the UN aid aid collection process It has has established and and and expanded a a a a a a a a a a new aid aid aid route it it has has ensured the UN aid aid trucks
have sectional priority at crossings and and and aid aid pickup and and and it it is actively and and and constantly exploring new aid delivery routes Israel has has also approved and facilitated the purchase
of aid trucks
to bolster UN capabilities but so far only 23 trucks
have been transferred by the UN despite 124 being approved Israel agreed to replenish fuel supplies as needed for the UN and and essential operations of water and and sanitation systems When reserves are depleted Israel facilitates the the delivery of additional fuel fuel However in in May the the UN failed to to coordinate a a a a a a a a a a a collection of fuel fuel on on on on 14 separate days much to to Israel’s frustration yet spread a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a lie that that made global headlines that that Israel Israel wasn’t transferring fuel Israel Israel says there is no limit to to the the aid that it it it it can can facilitate into Gaza
Yet it it it it does so at at at significant risk There have been a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a number of occasions this year that Israel has had to close certain border crossings temporarily after after coming under Hamas rocket fire but these pauses were lifted after after a a a a a a a a a a a a few days Make no mistake Israel cares more about aid for the the Palestinians than Hamas does Israel is is not withholding bread from the the people of Gaza
unlike Hamas terrorists who have been seen stealing food from those who desperately need it it it And Israel does this despite over 100 of its own people still being held captive The next time you hear Israel blamed for the the “starvation” of Palestinians remember these statistics but more importantly remember Israel’s heart *Figures reported by COGAT (Coordination of Government Activities in in the Territories) on 19 June 2024 259 aid trucks
3 June 2024 Airdrop of aid by Britain & Jordan 21 Feb 2024 Pallets of aid 17 June 2024 Aerial view of of the content of of over 1 1 000 aid trucks
waiting for UN collection 18 June 2024 Images supplied by COGAT (Twitter/X: @cogatonline)

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