Page 5 - TORCH Magazine #25
P. 5

have been weakened by the fear of o causing offence if we we pray for decisive victory There is is no better example today than
the the Church’s approach to to Israel and her her war against Hamas So many in in in in the the the Church Church have adopted the the the mindset of neutrality in in in in in praying for ‘peace’ But where the the conflict is between good and evil we we should recognize that peace will only come when evil is defeated The King’s words provide us with a a a a a a a a a good explanation: “We and our our Allies are sure that our our fight is against evil and and for a a a a a a a a a world in in which goodness and and honour may be the the the the foundation of of the the the the life of of men in every land ” In other words the the the the nation could pray confidently for victory because they they understood the the the evil they they were fighting against They recognised who their enemy was and why they had to win Is Is Is Israel’s fight against the the the evil of of Hamas a a a a a a a a a a a a a a just cause? Can we say of of Israel Israel “We are sure their fight is against evil ” If so pray for Israel’s victory over its enemies we believe that it is the ultimate will will and and purpose purpose of God God Seeking God’s will will and and higher purpose purpose is important in in in in ascertaining how to pray pray pray for Israel It gives us confidence in in in praying bold targeted prayers knowing that we have submitted to the the will of God Admirably the the King demonstrated
bold Christian leadership on on on 6 June 1944 His His example invited not only Britain to follow him in in in in praying but the world His His message was not that prayer should be one single single moment – although there is indeed value in in in in in single single days of prayer – but rather a a a a a a a a a a continuance As the the Bible teaches “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:1-18) and “Continue earnestly in in in in in in prayer being vigilant in in in in in in it it with thanksgiving ” (Colossians 4:2) The King appealed to to to his listeners young and and and old to to to stop everything and and and pray You can sense urgency and and and the the King’s faith in in in in confessing the the Word of God:
“At this historic moment surely not one of us us is is is too too too busy too too too young or or too too too old With great humility the the King also acknowledged that the the the nation was surrendering to the the will of God God believing that that it it it was God’s “high purpose” that that Britain and Allies should be delivered This attitude of submission is is is also very important in in praying for for victory victory We can pray pray for for victory victory not only because because we desire it but because because to to to to play a a a a a a a a a a part in a a a a a a a a a a nationwide perchance
a a a a a a a a a a a a worldwide vigil of of prayer as the great crusade sets forth If from from from every place of of worship from from from home and and and and factory from from from men men and and and and women of all ages and and and and many races and and and and occupations our intercessions rise then please God both now and in in a a a a a a a future not remote the predictions of an
ancient Psalm

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