Page 2 - CUFI Update - Winter 2018
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impact CUFI is making in the UK through your support. In 2018 we are even more determined to impact the United Kingdom with the important message that this nation should stand with Israel. We desire for there to be a cultural change across the UK in churches and in Parliament towards supporting Israel. We are not settled with anything less than seeing anti- Semitism rooted out of this land and for Britain to once again align itself with God’s promises.
Building upon the successes of 2017, we need to see more like-minded supporters of Israel, like you, unite in one voice for the Jewish state. The times in which we are living demand us to proclaim the truth and to not be silent in regards to standing with Israel. We believe that there is so much more to be done, but we need your help.
Please continue to pray for CUFI, because prayer is the foundation of all that we do. Please also continue to participate in our campaigns by signing our petitions, writing to your MP, sharing on social media, talking to friends and sharing at church. These things really do make a di erence.
CUFI is entirely dependent upon the financial giving of supporters. Currently, less than 4% of our active support base donates to CUFI UK. We are truly grateful for every gi we receive, but in order for our work to continue and grow, we need more people to financially give to our organisation.
We ask you to prayerfully consider becoming a Member of CUFI UK. With a recommended donation of just £7 per month your membership will make a real di erence to our organisation and is a way for you to actively show your support for Israel.
CUFI is the largest Christian voice of pro-Israel support in the UK. Your support helps us make a real di erence in our nation.
Keep informed of other events and updates through our weekly CUFI Connect email. Go to
In this excellent documentary by Hugh Kitson, Colonel Richard Kemp together with a group of historians and international lawyers, examine the conflicting claims of the Palestinians and the Israelis through the eyes of verifiable history and international law.
Go to to order your copy today
With every blessing, Des Starritt
On 23 November there was a packed room at the Houses of Parliament for the Melanie Phillips lecture on the Balfour Declaration.
Whose Land? DVD
Executive Director, CUFI UK