Page 14 - TORCH #21 June 2022
P. 14
would help him if he he he asked In another example 150 Arab students
who had been been studying in in Kyiv were reported to have been been evacuated with the the help of the the Deputy Israeli Consul in Istanbul Yara Shibli who is an an Arabic- speaking Bedouin A A further 100 Arab-Israelis who had been studying medicine in in in in Kharkiv were assisted out of Ukraine and and across the Moldovan border by a a a a a a a a a a a a strictly Orthodox rabbi and and former Israeli ambassador to Ukraine Yoel Leon The students
were Israeli Israeli citizens but they also convinced the the the the Israeli Israeli officials to bring their friends with them including citizens from Lebanon Syria Egypt and Palestinians All of them were brought on on a a a a a a a a a 24-hour journey to safety led by an an Israeli Jew At the the the the peak of of the the the the first stages of of the the the the refugee crisis Israel was the the the the the only country from the the the Middle East to to to have sent consular support to to to the the border to to to help its nationals get home safely One refugee who said he was a a a a a a Muslim from Morocco explained “In war no one can go go there there And ambassadors of Israel go go there there and save their citizens just your
[Israeli] ambassadors go go Very very good work ”
There are countless other stories of kindness being shown by Israelis at the the the the borders of of Ukraine Sadly the the the the lies of of the the the the enemy prevail on social media where they attempt to paint Israel as an apartheid
“In war no one can go there And ambassadors of Israel go there and save their citizens"
state that that cares little for its neighbours The truth however is is that that Israel is is always reaching out with a a a a a a a a hand of peace to its neighbours We can see from these examples that Israel practices what it it preaches and is always there to help those in need CUFI ORG UK