Page 21 - TORCH Magazine #14 - July 2019
P. 21

  There was a warmth and atmosphere of trust in that living room even though so many of us had never met before.
people like us remember.
After Susan had finished sharing, we
each in turn introduced ourselves and
shared our hearts and spoke blessings and encouragement to Susan. It was touching to see and hear others openly express their love and support for the Jewish people. There was a warmth and atmosphere of trust in that living room even though so many of us had never met before.
Personally, I felt such a oneness with Susan. I shared with her that my first name, Remeny, is Hungarian for “hope” and that I had been named after a lady my parents knew after the war. My mother talked so much about WW2 I felt like I lived through it!
Most importantly, I told her about our involvement with Christians United for Israel and how, through CUFI, tens-of-thousands
of Christians are standing up for her and her fellow Jews and that we will not remain silent. Susan beamed. She knew that in that room she was surrounded by love and the deepest respect.
Afterwards I had my photo taken with Susan and again felt an overwhelming oneness with her; like an invisible force was forging us together. I enthusiastically told the photographer, “She is my sister”. After the photo was taken Susan said that meant so much to her. I hope she knows that I truly meant it.
I believe I felt that way because God
calls us as Christians to be one with Him and with His people. We have no choice, it is our Biblical mandate and we are inseparable. And I pledged my life irreversibly at that moment in time.
Remeny Starritt
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