Page 3 - TORCH Magazine #17 - Autumn 2020
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Welcome to Issue 17 of Christians United for Israel UK’s Torch
In this issue we dedicate our leading article to the memory of the much loved and admired Rabbi Lord Sacks, who sadly passed away in November. Rabbi Sacks,
the UK's former Chief Rabbi, was highly respected for his wisdom and moral clarity not just by the Jewish community but by Christians too. Our article is a tribute to this great man as well as a reminder
of some of his valuable contributions from which we will continue to learn from and be blessed by.
As always we’ve included articles that will both challenge and inspire you. Our article ‘Building Bridges, Peace by Peace’ takes a look at how the recent diplomatic agreements between Israel and Arab
Des Starritt
nations is cascading down and having a major impact on peace relations at every level, from trade and commerce, tourism and new friendships between Jews and Arabs.
Meanwhile, this issue’s Holocaust memorial visit takes us to the incredibly moving Riga Ghetto Museum and the tragic story that saw Latvia’s Jewish population almost completely wiped out. The museum is under risk
of closing, but I am sure you will agree that its survival, and those like it, are of great importance.
And finally, we reveal the fascinating inspiration behind family-favourite, Paddington Bear, and his link with the Kindertransport.
We hope you enjoy the magazine and will feel led to share with others. Thank you for your continued support for CUFI UK.
Executive Director CUFI UK
Christians United for Israel UK PO Box 3837, Swindon, SN3 9DS Tel: 01793 862210
Published by: © CHRISTIANS UNITED FOR ISRAEL UK All Rights Reserved