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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                                                                    םייח ץפח רפס
                                   Hilchot Esurei Rechilut                                                              תוליכר ירוסיא תוכלה
                                    Kelal Tet  -  Halachah 12                                                              ה הכלה -  ט ללכ

                (R9/11/2)-(30) .. from one person to another: Because even if one                          רוסא ,דחא דע ראשי אוה כ"א רבדב דע תויהל לוספ
                witness goes to Beit Din to testify against Plony, if this witness knows
                from the outset that his testimony will not be admitted into court, even                   'ב יפ לעכ ןיד תיב וקספיש םורגי יכ ומע דיעהל ול
                in (monetary) matters that would (ordinarily compel an) oath, and this                     קר ןאכ ןיא תמאבו ,הז רובע עבתנהל ובייחיו םידע
                can  be  illustrated  with  several  examples,  then  it  is  forbidden  for  this
                solitary witness to approach the court with his testimony, and if he does                  שיאהש ,ןדיד ןודינב ש"כו .םש י"שריפדכ דחא דע
                (attempt to) give testimony he transgresses the Torah’s Lav of  “a single                  וניא אוהש י"ע ןידכ אלש השעי אוה ול רפסמ אוהש
                witness may not testify against his fellow Jew” as this is brought down in
                Choshen Mishpat, section #28 (in the Hagahah of the first paragraph) in                    םורגל רוסא אוהש יאדוב ,דיחימ קר רבדה תא עמוש
                the commentary of the Vilna Gaon there (the 8  and 9  notations) quoting                                      .)הז רבד
                the Sifri, and his testimony is characterized as Lashon Hara as is evident
                to anyone who goes through this analysis carefully and we have already
                elaborated above on this subject.
                                                                                                           תשרופמ  ארמג  יתאצמו  יניע  ךרבתי  'ה  ריאהו
                (RK9/11/3)-(31) .. Reuven should not tell Shimon: As we have                               .ןידה יטרפ לכ עדיל לכונ ז"יעש ,שממ וננינעכ
                explained above in several places that the esur of Rechilut applies even
                when Shimon pressures Reuven to tell him if Plony did something to him                     רב יאה אבר זירכמ )ב"ע ג"יק( ק"ב ארמגה ל"זד
                or said anything about him as long as nothing useful can come from that                    היל דיהסאו לזאו ,ידוהי וניאל אתודהס עדיד לארשי
                                                                                                           ןניתמשמ ,הירבח לארשי לע םידוהי םניאד ינידב
                (RK9/11/4)-(32) .. to tell Shimon the truth: A proof to this statement
                comes from Gemara Babba Metziah (51a) “We only learn this (a time limit                    דחד אמופא אנוממ יקפמ והניאד אמעט יאמ ,היל
                for someone who has been defrauded) with respect to the buyer...Why,                       ןייעו ,אל ירתב לבא דחב אלא ןרמא אלו ,אדהס
                what is the reason it applies only to a buyer?  (Answer) Wherever he goes
                he shows off his purchase and people will tell him whether or not he made                  ,ןידכ אלש ודיספהש אצמנו דחד אמופא ה"ד י"שרב
                a mistake.”  From here we can see that it is permitted to tell him.  And do                אוה תמאבש ומצעב עדוי דעהד ףא אמלא .ןאכ דע
                not challenge what we have said above regarding sale charges of less than
                one-sixth above market value because it is well known that this gemara                     ןויכ הז רובע דעל ןניתמשמ ויה כ"פעא ןוממ ול בייח
                quoted above in Babba Metziah (51a) applies only to excess sales charges                   הבוג היה אל לארשי לש ןיד תיבל ומע אב היה םאד
                that are one-sixth or more above market value.  But if the excess sales
                charge is less than one sixth, that “excess” is immediately “forgiven” (i.e.,              םשד תוחדל ןיאו .ורובידב ודיספמ אוהד אצמנ ונממ
                the sale stands and the “excess” need not be returned) as both Rashi and                   לש תואכרעב ידוהסאל ליזאד םושמ רוסיאה םעט
                the Tosafot explain there.  Please see that reference.  Understand further
                that in all circumstances where it is permissible for Reuven to convey his                 ירתבד ארמגב םש חכומ אהד ,תחא ,םיבכוכ ידבוע
                report to Shimon, that report is permitted even if it is unsolicited, as we                ,אל  יאמא  תואכרע  םושמ  יאו  היל  ןניתמשמ  אל
                wrote above at the beginning of this Kelal.  (Please see that reference).
                                                                                                           לארשי ינייד יפ לע ירתבד ןויכו ,ל"נכ םעטה אלא

                                                                                                           .םולכ והודיספה אל ,ןהירבד יפ לע הבוג היה ימנ
                                      Mekor Hachayim
                                                                                                           ח"כ ןמיסב מ"חל ג"הנכב שרופמ יתאצמ הז ןמ דבלו
                RK9/ 2.   (1)  One  may  not  exaggerate  the  problem  or  the                            דחא אוה ןידה ילעבד ןויכ ב"נ ןמיס א"מר תובושתבו
                deficiency any more than it actually is.

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