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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                                                                    םייח ץפח רפס
                                 Hilchot Esurei Lashon Hara                                                            ערה ןושל ירוסיא תוכלה
                                    Kelal Tet  -  Halachah 3                                                                ב הכלה -  י ללכ

                hospitality that was extended to him by his host, who fed him fine                                         םייח םימ ראב
                food and drink and worked hard to give him good accommodations,
                but because of his remarks thoughtless people will go over to this                         ךירצ דואמ המ יכ ,אוה טושפ .בטיה ןנובתי קר )ו(
                host  and  consume  his  wealth.    Regarding  this  type  of  situation                   ושפנל  ריתהל  ומצעל  ןייד  תויהל  הצורה  רהזיל
                Shelomo HaMelech teaches in Mishle (27:14) “One who praises
                his friend loudly will get up the next morning and discover that he                        קודבל  ,תמאל  אנקל  םעטמ  ערה  ןושלד  ואלה
                was really cursing him.”  From this, one can logically conclude the                        האריש יוצמ וניא הז יכ .בטיה תמאה רחא הלחת
                law regarding someone who obtained a loan from a fellow Jew and                            וא וריבח לש וסיכמ בנוגו ךלוהש תוטישפב דחאל
                then began to publicize the lender’s generosity, that it is forbidden
                for him to publicize the loan, for if he did disclose the loan it would                    הזב אצויכו קסע י"ע קר ,וריבח לש וילכ רבושש
                allow unscrupulous men to approach the lender and he (the lender)                          וריבח לש ןוממ ודיב ראשנ הארנה יפלש ,בבסנ
                will not be able to avoid them.
                A  person  is  additionally  obligated  to  guard  (to  discipline)  the
                speech that comes out of his mouth in order that people will not                           לכב  ותמאל  ןינעה  הלחתמ  שורדל  ךירצ  ןכ  לע
                misunderstand  him  (9)  and  label  him  as  someone  who  speaks                         עורג ערה ןושל לש הז ןידה אהי המל יכ ,ויטרפ
                Lashon Hara.  And if through his speech this speaker does acquire
                this label for himself (and he becomes suspect for speaking Lashon                         לכש רוסיא תקזח םהל שיש םירבד יראשמ רתוי
                Hara), his language is also called Avak Lashon Hara.  (Please see                          ,ימייק והיירוסיאב רורב רתיה םהל אצמנ אלש ןמז
                the following Hagahah).                                                                    רעיצש  דחאל  האר  םא  ןידה  אוהו  היתווכד  נ"ה
                                                                                                           ורעיצ וריבח ילוא ןכ םג שורדי ,וריבחל שייבו

                                          Hagahah                                                                   .הזב אצויכ לכו ,הלחתמ ושייבו
                What I did not mention here as Avak Lashon Hara the example of (Gemara
                Arachin 15b) “fire (cooking) in so-and-so’s house” which was mentioned                                      םייחה רוקמ
                above in the 2  Kelal (at the end of the 2  notation of the Be’er Mayim
                Chayim) and has as its source the Rashbam in Babba Batra (165a, the                  ילוּא ,הכּרַ ןוֹשׁלבוּ )ח( הלִּחְתִּמ אֵטוֹחה תא חיִכוֹיֶּשׁ )ז( )ג
                citation beginning with the words “Avak”) and Rabbeinu Yonah’s Shaare
                Teshuvah (3  sha’ar, section #227) is because I subsequently found this              אלֹ םִאו ,ויכרָדּ תא הז ידֵי לע ביִטייו ,וֹל ליִעוֹהל לכוּי
                example in the Hagahot Maymoniyot on the 7  perek (1  paragraph) of
                Hilchot De’Aut and in the writings of the SeMag (commentary on the                   המ ,הזּה שׁיִאה תמְשׁא תא םיִבּרַל עידִוֹי זא ,וֹל עמְשׁי
                9  Lav), and the implication of their commentary is that this is absolute
                Lashon Hara  (and not Avak Lashon Hara).                                             ,וֹתּחכוֹתּ לבּקַי אלֶֹּשׁ ,וֹבּ עדֵוֹי םִאו( .וּהֵערֵ לע דיזהֶשּׁ
                                                                                                               .)'ז ףיִעסבּ ,'ה הצרְי םִא ,ןמּקַל ראֹבי
                                    Be’er Mayim Chayim
                (K9/3/1)-(8)..  guests: This example is found in Gemara Arachin (16a)
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